Three is not a coincidence.

Yesterday I found a spider mite on my keyboard. I picked it up on a sheet of paper and tested the pen ink trap on it and it worked! I hadn't realized that the last time I played with a mite was over three years ago. I decided to show it to some of the co-workers who was surprised at the mite's reluctance to cross the line.

I was going to show it off to someone else when it dropped off the paper on to the carpet. There was no way I was going to find it again, so I went back to my desk.

About twenty minutes later, I saw yet another spider mite on one of my loose pieces of paper, so I picked it up and brought it back to the common area. Unfortunately at this time, RM had turned on one of the stand up fans and I walked, with paper in front of me, right in front of it not realizing that it was blowing. In an instant, the mite was gone. I went back to my desk.

No more than ten minutes later, I saw yet another spider mite on yet another sheet of paper. (It could have been the same mite all the time but I highly doubt it.) This time I carefully moved the sheet over the fan to avoid the wind and let the other guys play around with the fella. KL used his red pen to trap the mite, and for some reason the red ink really confounded the bug for a long time. It would spend a minute trying to find a way out, then sit still for several seconds before trying again. This went on for many minutes while we watched intently.

I mentioned that this is how it must feel for three dimensional creatures to play around with creatures that were stuck in the two dimensional plane. I bet four dimensional creatures can do the same with us..

I told this story to MJNL, and she mentioned that seeing three spider mites in quick succession probably means that I have a nest somewhere. She's right - but I don't have any plants in my cubicle. I should do a bit of searching when I get back on Monday..


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