I should not have eaten the first piece so quickly.

I had a relatively small lunch so I had a hankering for some chocolate from Trader Joe's that MJNL got for me a couple of months ago. I tried to break off a small piece to eat and in the process ended up "randomly" breaking it up into four unequal sizes.

When I eyed the pieces, it looked like they were pretty much proportional to each other. Each piece half the size of the large piece. It really started to bother me after I ate the first piece, so I took a picture.
Each piece - half the size of the next larger piece.
I am not too much bothered by it to actually try measuring the bits to see how big each piece is, but visually it does look close no? (Try imaging what that first small piece of chocolate looked like.)

Also, to get this sort of ratio, one can not just break the bar in half again and again. Mathematically that does not work. The first break needs to be 8:7, then 4:3, then 2:1.

All this math is making me hungry. I am going to finish off that bar.


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