Time to fix

MJNL has gone to Jamaica for a wedding so I am left by myself at home to catch up on some chores that I had been planning to do for a while. Unfortunately, it seems as if I will not have the time to complete all the stuff I actually want to do!

One of the big things I wanted out of the way was to fix the computer I gave to MJNL's parents. It died one day and my first thought was that the PSU had gone kaput. My initial tests confirmed that hypothesis so I picked up a new PSU and plugged it in. The computer still won't start. The LED power light is on, but nothing happens when I press the power button. I am going to see if I can borrow a more powerful PSU to see if I just got one that did not have enough juice. It would be quite annoying if that was the case as this PSU I can not return..

In other news, HKL sent a link about work being done on an impuse engine using dilithium crystals..


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