Ride, ride, ride

I biked to work yesterday. I had been wanting to bike to work for years. Unfortunately I never got a chance to from our condo. From the house it was only a distence of ten kilometers which, according to Google maps, was only a half-hour ride. Well, it, and I, did not take into account the wind or the temperature. I figured that a half-hour ride would be a cinch and I would not even break a sweat so I didn't bring a spare shirt. That was my first mistake. Let's just say that my shirt had some dark spots that took a while to go away.I was also winded afterward and felt so out of shape! This is what happens to you when you stop working out.

The ride back home started slow. My legs had not recovered from the morn
ing's ride and I certainly felt the stiffness. But I made it back despite the few drops of rain that started to fall as I approached the house.

I really need to do this more often!

Tonight I rode to London to see MJNL. I wanted to ride out before it got too cold to ride. The temperature was supposed to be in the mid teens which was not too bad. However traffic in the city was terrible and it took me twice as long to get out than a expected. The sun was already starting to set by the time I was in Milton. I had to stop in Cambridge to warm up take off my sunglasses and put on a wind breaker. That only made the rest of the trip more bearable. I was still chilled to the bone by the time I got into town.

Still, I think it was worth the ride. Driving would have been boring and isn't the point of living to experience life and try new things? At least that is what I keep telling myself. I have no regrets of what I have done. I usually only regret the things that I do not do.


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