
Showing posts from September, 2014

Time at your own pace

I am surprised that I did not come across this earlier considering that I have been keeping up with xkcd.

Roll Over, Roll Over

I'm not sure if this was related to my recent flat, or my recent rear-ender, but I was dreaming that I was driving my car or some sort of dirt path that was on an embankment. The embankment was sloped so that going up the path had the embankment sloping down to the left. I drove up the embankment to the top and turned around, waited for another car to come up and started to drive back down. Unfortunately, the driver side wheels slipped off the path and the car rolled over to the left, again, and again. I dragged the car back upright but the fuel tank was hanging out and loose and I knew that I would not be able to drive the car without some serious repairs. I looked back at the path on the embankment and saw how steep the drop off was from the path and wondered how I ended up damaging the car so much after I had recently got the bumper fixed. Annoying!

Flat Nail

I was ready to ride to work yesterday despite the cool temperatures. When I got on my bike, it refused to budge. I tried rocking it back and forth but move it did not. Even after starting the engine I couldn't get the bike to move much so I got off and checked the tires. The rear tire was flat. I was pretty annoyed, as I would have to spend time pumping the tire before I went to work. I noticed a stone that was lodged in the tread so I tried knocking it out. It was no stone. On closer inspection I noticed that the object was metallic. It was a nail. Crap. I must've picked it up during my ride on Saturday. I had no time to worry about it so I just drove to work instead. I called around to find out if there was anyone who would plug a tubeless tire and a number of places flatly refused or did not get back to me. I eventually found a place (for a relatively good price) but they closed at six, so I had to rush back home and across town to make it. I figured that I might as well

Lindsay Bollywood Hockey

Today was a very busy day for me. I was to visit some people up in Lindsay, then head downtown to try out some Bollywood dancing for a birthday party, then have dinner and then rush back up town for hockey. All of this while avoiding the rain on by bike! Little Britain Well, the morning started off fairly well. I left the house at a reasonable time and so took my time visiting some places I wanted to see on the way to Lindsay. I swung by the Lakeridge Ski Resort (which was closed obviously), then rode through Port Perry, took a route through Little Britain, stopped at Jennings Creek Church, and then made it to the house. Jennings Creek Church I spent a few hours in Lindsay, having lunch at the Pantry Shelf, before bombing it down the highway to downtown Toronto to join up with a birthday party for a Bollywood dance lesson. We were told to show up before four since the lesson would start at four. I got stuck in traffic and arrived just at four. I was the second person there.

Food Trucks

How much food could a food truck truck if a food truck could truck food? A food truck could truck as much food as a food truck could truck if a food truck could truck food.

Ride, ride, ride

I biked to work yesterday. I had been wanting to bike to work for years. Unfortunately I never got a chance to from our condo. From the house it was only a distence of ten kilometers which, according to Google maps, was only a half-hour ride. Well, it, and I, did not take into account the wind or the temperature. I figured that a half-hour ride would be a cinch and I would not even break a sweat so I didn't bring a spare shirt. That was my first mistake. Let's just say that my shirt had some dark spots that took a while to go away.I was also winded afterward and felt so out of shape! This is what happens to you when you stop working out. The ride back home started slow. My legs had not recovered from the morn ing's ride and I certainly felt the stiffness. But I made it back despite the few drops of rain that started to fall as I approached the house. I really need to do this more often! Tonight I rode to London to see MJNL. I wanted to ride out before it got too cold to

People apparently cannot follow instructions..

I had to use the handicap washroom this afternoon and this is what I saw: I think they want us to press this button. Apparently people on our floor cannot follow simple instructions.

Rear ended again

I got rear ended again this afternoon on my way to the condo. From the driver side.  I took some photos of the damage to my bumper. From the passenger side. Fortunately the damage was not too bad and nobody was hurt.

Back to work, back to school

MJNL has gone back to school and I have gone back to work. The past couple of weeks of mostly rest, and some relaxation was a nice change of pace, and allowed me to think about an idea I've had for a little while. I started jotting down some notes and then started writing some dialogue. A writer I am not, but I would like to put together a plausible scenario for my little world that builds upon the knowledge that we have now, and possible directions we can be going. Also, writing is hard. That and to top it off there are a plethora of other projects that I have on the back burner which I need to bring back and complete now that I am on my own. Jobs to do, games to play, movies to watch, stories to write. Bah, and so much stuff going on..