Nearly wasted time.

The plan for today was to wake up early to prepare and arrive at the hospital at 0600. As such, I set the alarm on my phone for 0420. A peculiar time indeed, but a consequence of reusing one of my pain killer reminders from the first surgery.

I must have tempted fate for I woke up on my own, with the glow of daylight filtering through the blinds.

I searched for my phone, which I had dropped next to me when I finally dozed off and found it buried deep under the blankets, dutifully reminding me that I had missed my alarm. It was 0545.

I leapt out bed and woke up MJNL. I had no time to lose. I hoped that my preparations last night were good enough not to require a double check and quickly showered and dressed.

The surgery itself was scheduled for 0745 so I still had time, but it required less dilly-dallying and focused action. I guess it helped out in the end, there was less chance of inadvertently falling into old habits and doing something that would complicate the surgery. Apart from being late that is.

In the end, I had no trouble getting to the hospital and I still had to get admitted.


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