The leaves are out.

The trees have really started to turn green today. The leaves have shown up on all of our trees as well as the trees in the ravine. The rhododendron started flowering this weekend and the cherry blossoms have started to appear in the cherry grove. By next week we probably will not be able to see the ravine from our back yard anymore.

Birds of so many shapes, sizes, and shades have shown up in our back yard. No longer is it mostly robins and the occasional cardinal. There are plenty of other birds. Brown birds, black birds, singing birds.. you may have noticed that I have no idea what kind of birds we have, but there is quite a variety of them now.

We had dinner outside yesterday and I noticed that the insects have started showing up. Mostly on my windows, but it will not be long before they are buzzing about in the garden and the ravine beyond.

Spring truly has arrived.


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