Running a red.

We could have been hit by a car running a red light. The intersection near our house is notorious for that. Ever since we started living here less than a year ago, I've seen close to half a dozen of these traffic violations. The cars do not stop. They barely slow down. Honking them only results in them honking back if there is any sort of response at all.

I am not sure what the solution is. It is not as if all of the drivers are coming from the same direction. It seems as if drivers on the main street will drive right through the intersection from either direction. The lights are pretty visible and the road is straight, so..

I dunno?

The case in point. I have been using a dash cam for a few years now and I was able to catch this perpetrator in the act. However, since the driver was going perpendicular to me, we only catch a glimpse of the vehicle on the camera and no license plate. The best I can do is to post it on line and try to publicly shame the driver, but this would probably be all for naught.

I will keep the clip though.


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