Robin 12, Us 0.

So, our cars are getting rather lathered with bird poo. Not much more I can say about that, except I actually started looking up potential solutions today. Why did I not tap into the power of the internet weeks ago? Well.. I guess I did not think that it was that big of a problem and that maybe it would go away?

In any case, our resident robin has been pretty territorial with our driveway area and apparently has not found a mate yet. The nest is still empty and I think the constant flitting around is probably going to scare of any a potential mate. So I think I will try the first simplest solution: cover the side mirrors.

I grabbed a couple of plastic bags (of which we now have loads of due to the suspension of plastic bag costs), and covered up the side mirrors on MJNL's car. We just washed it before we got home and my car is not worth protecting at this point.

Apparently some robins will see their reflection in the mirror and think that it is a potential rival, so they would basically stare down their own reflection until it went away. All the while, hanging around the mirror area and thus making a general mess of the car.

Oh, this is also the reason why I have not taken my motorcycle out yet, which is fine because the weather has been pretty piss poor except for the odd warm day.

So, we shall see how the car fares tomorrow and the day after. If no additional guano is found, then I will consider the experiment a success and apply the same bag trick to my car (and probably my bike as well).


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