Frames are up.

So I spent most of the day putting up the frames that MJNL wanted to hang on our empty wall today. The difficulty with this task was due to the fact that our outside walls had very little drywall and no insulation, which means that unless we were using really small nails, we'd be hammering into brick. The solution was to use one of those command strips to hang the frames, which we were planning to do with those velcro type strips. However, the strips were thicker than the frame, which meant that we either had to have them stick out the sides, or have them overlap with the inner frame which would mean that replacing the pictures would require removing the strip. An expensive proposition when there are two strips per frame.

I eventually settled on a hook style strip that worked with the sawtooth hangers, but these suckers were pretty expensive so I had postponed the purchase until.. well, until MJNL told me to just do it. So I just did it. It took most of the day because EYS needed attention, I needed to cook, EYS needed attention, I needed to pick up more strips, EYS needed attention, I needed to cook, EYS needed attention, I needed to clean, EYS needed attention, I needed to put EYS to bed.

It's pretty much done now. I just need one more strip, but the last frame is broken so I am waiting for the epoxy to fully cure..


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