My day "off".

So my only wish for today was to catch up on sleep and stay home and be left alone to do the things I want to do. There were a lot of tasks on my to-do list. The more I could get done, the better but I had only one task that I wanted to do and finish today and that was to go through my old T-shirts.

You see, I have been collecting T-shirts over the years. These T-shirts were free, or purchased by me for some specific event or group thing. I never really got rid of any of them over the years but it really started in high school. We participated in a lot of contests and events and our cohort always did well, which lead to awards, certificates, and T-shirts. I wanted to remember these events, but I really did not care too much about the T-shirts themselves. My idea was to go through them and document each event so that I have a record of each and then donate or trash the shirt. I have been meaning to do this for nearly a decade now, but my sister goes on a purging spree each time she comes home and found my bucket of shirts, so this task got put on the front burner.

I figured that having one day to myself would be more than enough time to get it done and over with. I only had several dozen shirts to go through. That is why I asked for a day off today. No dealing with anything so that I can spend time on this. So MJNL told me that she would take EYS to wonderland and get out of my hair so I can sleep in and do whatever I wanted.

The day didn't go as I had envisioned. I ended up waking up early to feed and change the young one and watch her while MJNL got ready. They didn't leave until half past ten. Then she told me to make sure that the clothes were washed and the place was cleaned as my family was interested in coming down for dinner. But it was my choice whether or not to have dinner with them or not. Sure, tell my family that I didn't want to have dinner with them on my birthday. That.. sounds right.

So dinner was set to six, then five-thirty, and I was rushing to make sure that the laundry was washed, dried, folded and put away. All the dishes cleaned and put away. Lunch made and eaten. Body soaped and rinsed. Toys cleaned up. In between, I was going through my T-shirts.

It took me a while to get a system set up to take a picture of the shirt. I originally thought of laying the shirt on the floor and using a tripod to hold the phone. But I had no tripod, so I tried hanging the shirt instead. Since T-shirts crumple up when they hang, I tried holding it up the shirt against a vertical surface in the light, which worked okay, but required finding a way to keep the shirt pinned. I looked for large paper clips and for some reason couldn't find any. I found one that I could force to fit and a bag clip. Good enough.

I figure I got a couple of hours to work on the shirts. Not enough to get though them all unfortunately, but enough to at least take pictures of most of them. I still have to go through the pictures and compile some sort of compendium which I had hoped to do today. So.. I'll need another day off.. or three.


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