
Showing posts from July, 2018

I earned this free lunch!

One of the building managers came over to my desk today and thanked me for my heads up last week when I found a leak in one of the pipes in the underground garage. The pipe belongs to the sprinkler system but during non-fire times the system is pressurized with air. There is apparently a balance that needs to be maintained for the air pressure levels so a leak is generally a bad thing. In any case, for bringing this to the attention of operations, he gave me a voucher for a free lunch at the restaurant/cafeteria on the main floor. Yay! Free lunch! I quickly pass it off to RM who had been working all weekend and he actually does eat the food downstairs on occasion.

Literally pooping my pants.

Warning, this is a really poopy story. As I age, I get this feeling that bowel movements and bladder control gets harder to manage. Not that I have a need to hold it in, or maybe because of it, I tend not to fight nature. As I always say, "When nature calls, make sure you pick up. Otherwise, she'll leave you a very dirty message." So I have been very good at heeding the call for many, many years. When I first felt the rumble last night, I just filled up the car with gas and was heading home. I figured that I had plenty of time to find a bathroom, and I didn't want to leave EYS in the car by herself so I decided to hit the road. Things were fine until halfway home when my lower gut started to join in on the parade and I had to tell myself to keep it together. Traffic was good, we would get home in record time. As we were exiting the highway, my whole intestinal tract decided to collaborate against me. I fought off the urge, but I felt like my inner tubes were

Goodbye old friend.

I mentioned that I was going through the bucket with my old T-shirts today. In the bucket I found my old security blanket. I think I talked about it before on The PIT but I can't be bothered to look it up right now. Anyway, I knew that it was close to turning into a big pile of lint, which is why I didn't bother trying to wash it before putting it into the bin, but if I wanted to keep it, I needed to wash it since it.. needed washing. So I threw it into the washer, which I hoped would be gentle enough as it was a side loader. The washing cycle went.. well enough. It did not seem like it lost that much weight, but everything looks about the same when it's wet. I threw the blanket into the dryer before we went to dinner. When we got back, I checked and sure enough, a large pile of lint fell on the floor when I opened the door. The lint trap was chock full of blanket pieces and the blanket itself was so tangled with itself that there was no point trying to und

My day "off".

So my only wish for today was to catch up on sleep and stay home and be left alone to do the things I want to do. There were a lot of tasks on my to-do list. The more I could get done, the better but I had only one task that I wanted to do and finish today and that was to go through my old T-shirts. You see, I have been collecting T-shirts over the years. These T-shirts were free, or purchased by me for some specific event or group thing. I never really got rid of any of them over the years but it really started in high school. We participated in a lot of contests and events and our cohort always did well, which lead to awards, certificates, and T-shirts. I wanted to remember these events, but I really did not care too much about the T-shirts themselves. My idea was to go through them and document each event so that I have a record of each and then donate or trash the shirt. I have been meaning to do this for nearly a decade now, but my sister goes on a purging spree each time she co