Feed me!

I used to have a list of bookmarks on my homepage so I could check up on the various web sites that I frequent. Before The PIT went down, I actually set up a page to display the latest feeds from the various home pages that I frequented as well, but when the server went down, all of my links went with it. I did have an archive of those links, so it wasn't as if they were gone, but I liked having a place where I could access this information from anywhere.

Well, now that I've finally got my new server up and running, I can do it again! Except I have decided not to. These days everybody and their dog has a feed (RSS or Atom) and browsers and some applications can handle and check feeds so simply and easily now that there really is no need for me to have a dedicated page for all of this. Google used to offer a place to track feeds, but since they dropped that service, I've decided to just use a local app and not use a browser.

So now I have a few dozen feeds that I keep track of and it's been pretty easy. That is except for The FAIL Blog, that feed just does not stop.


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