It was rocky then, and still is now.

Now that MJNL's back, I have been able to take a look at some of the photos that she took during our trip through the Rockies. I've selected a number of photos that highlight what it was like back in 1999, and how it looks today. I'll go by the order that we saw the locations this time, so it will not match with the order from last time.

On the Columbia Ice Field:

A view of the Columbia Ice Field from the Visitor Centre:

The lookout point about 15km south of the Columbia Ice Field on the Icefields Parkway. First was the waterfall:

 Next was the lookout into the valley:

Lake Louise:

On the main street in Banff:

Inside the Royal Tyrell Museum:

Outside the Royal Tyrell Museum from the lookout:

Oh how things have changed, and how things have stayed the same!


  1. These are great, each one invokes a smile.

    However, you can really see how much the ice has receded in only 12-13 years!


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