Express Card

I got a call yesterday morning at work from MJNL asking if I had her driver's license in my wallet. I took a look and could not find it. She told me that she could not find it in her purse so though that I may have had it. Well I did not seem to have it.

After I got home from work, I got another message from MJNL asking me to check the large purse that I brought back home for her to see if it had the card. I had cleared out the purse of all the big ticket items, but had not checked every pocket for stuff, so I went through and began to rummage through the inner pockets. I found a jewel case with a pair of pearl earings, a measuring tape, and a driver's license.

Oh dear.

Now to fly on an airplane, you need to provide a government issued document with your picture on it. MJNL only brought her driver's license. Now that I had it, things were a little dicey. She called up the airline to see if a scanned printout or other documentation would work. Unfortunately, she needed to provide some sort of photo id in conjunction with a government issued document.

So that left couriering the card to her. By then it was around seven.

I knew from past experience that if I wanted to send something out the next day, that we were basically hosed, since all the carriers basically stop collecting by six something, but you can drop it off at some specific hubs which will continue to collect for an hour or so. Fortunately we did not need it delivered by the next day, just by Saturday. However, we still needed to find a location.

I started taking a look at Canada Post. But I was getting nowhere on the site, and we quickly switched to FedEx. Most places I called up seemed to be closed, or were not taking parcels, but the lady at one of the locations told me that I had less than an hour to go to one of the hubs, just call the 1-800 number to find out more information. So I did, but the automated response was very slow and cumbersome, so MJNL started looking up UPS locations. It was already quarter-after-seven when I called the first place. It was closed, with an automated message indicating that they were closed for the Labour day long weekend.

<- looks at calendar.

The second location got picked up by a live person who told me that the store closed at seven, but he was going to be there for the next fifteen to thirty minutes. I checked out their location. It would take me at least fifteen minutes to get there. I quickly wrote down information for the package (destination address, etc.) and got ready to leave, calling back to confirm that the package would arrive by Saturday (yes).

Just as I was getting ready to go, I looked around for the driver's license. It was not on the desk. What the heck? Where did I put it?!? I started searching the rest of the apartment frantically! It took me a few precious minutes to remember that I had put the card in the scanner so that I could send images to MJNL in case she needed to print the documents. With that revelation, I grabbed the card and took off.

My time estimates were a little off. I arrived earlier than anticipated, and the guy was there. Whew!

So we got down to business and we filled out the required paperwork to have the package delivered by Saturday. Then we got to chatting about what his old line(s) of work were and what I did, etc. When the delivery guy arrived. The reason why the UPS guy was staying late at the store was because the delivery guy was late, so I really did have the delivery guy to thank. On top of that, the delivery guy told us that his truck was full of express parcels for Friday, which meant that my package could be delivered by Friday!

We redid the packaging, and sent off the envelope with my thanks!

Whew! One bullet dodged. UPS! UPS! UPS!


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