
Showing posts from September, 2012

Missed Financial News

MJNL and I went over some of our finances with IT last night and decided that we should go and start taking a look at some open houses around the city. We're probably going to concentrate in the North York area because we can not afford Toronto. However, even North York might be too expensive and we'd have to look further north/east. I got a couple of links from RM about some financial issues that I missed in the news. Apparently he thought they were the same event, but it seems as if they were not. One was about the drunk broker from two years ago, and the other was about some market disruption caused by Knight Capital two months ago. The latter reminded me of events in The Dark Knight Rises , and when I first heard about it I thought it could have been a publicity stunt.

Another Cool Spyder

I mentioned a while back that I tried out the Can-Am Spyder . Well, I found a link on xkcd for a cool (i.e. overly powerful) laser pointer . I've been taking a break from updating the wedding blog for the past week. I figured that I should finally get back into finishing (or starting in my case) Mass Effect . Yes, the first installment of the series. Yes, I know the trilogy is complete. Yes, I know my system probably won't play the other two games all too well. In any case, now that I got out of the prologue, I find that the game reminds me a lot of Star Control II . Some of the plot points, and certainly a bit of the exploration and harvesting brings me back to those days of traveling from system to system on my souped up Precursor ship. Good times. So I am in the middle of scouring each system in the galaxy for every conceivable resource so I would not have to go back again. It is time consuming, but I also have way more money than I think I would ever need. But just i

EngSci Failure

This exam video that I found on FAIL Blog reminds me of what happened if my first year at Waterloo.

It was rocky then, and still is now.

Now that MJNL's back, I have been able to take a look at some of the photos that she took during our trip through the Rockies. I've selected a number of photos that highlight what it was like back in 1999, and how it looks today. I'll go by the order that we saw the locations this time, so it will not match with the order from last time. On the Columbia Ice Field: A view of the Columbia Ice Field from the Visitor Centre: The lookout point about 15km south of the Columbia Ice Field on the Icefields Parkway. First was the waterfall:  Next was the lookout into the valley: Lake Louise: On the main street in Banff: Inside the Royal Tyrell Museum: Outside the Royal Tyrell Museum from the lookout: Oh how things have changed, and how things have stayed the same!

Express Card

I got a call yesterday morning at work from MJNL asking if I had her driver's license in my wallet. I took a look and could not find it. She told me that she could not find it in her purse so though that I may have had it. Well I did not seem to have it. After I got home from work, I got another message from MJNL asking me to check the large purse that I brought back home for her to see if it had the card. I had cleared out the purse of all the big ticket items, but had not checked every pocket for stuff, so I went through and began to rummage through the inner pockets. I found a jewel case with a pair of pearl earings, a measuring tape, and a driver's license. Oh dear. Now to fly on an airplane, you need to provide a government issued document with your picture on it. MJNL only brought her driver's license. Now that I had it, things were a little dicey. She called up the airline to see if a scanned printout or other documentation would work. Unfortunately, she needed

Back and Somewhat Awake..

I am back from my trip to the west coast, although I have not really been giving myself much time to catch up on sleep or to get used to the time change. Two hours is not enough to be debilitative, but it is enough to be annoying. I found an interesting physics strip that some of your Feynman Diagram fans might like.