More pictures! Less pictures.

I found in one of my older archives, my old photo album. I had removed it when I moved my photos over to Picasa, but now that all of those links are broken, I decided to put up the old album again. I removed a bunch of the code that was used by the album after I removed it so it has taken me a while to get it up and running again, but I basically removed the comments on the code and voila!

That still does not preclude the fact that I still have to fix all of those broken links..

Also, the Pictures section is incomplete. There are lots of photos with no captions or descriptions. I'm tempted to leave them as is, but my sense of completion may drive me to fill in the blanks one day..

Also, my Nest camera started showing garbage this afternoon. I could not easily get out to reboot the device, but fortunately I did recently figure out the breaker circuits at my house so I was able to reboot it (along with all of my other cameras) that way. Seems to be working now but I will be keeping an eye on this guy..


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