I'm an ant. I'm an ant.

I got a splinter in my foot this morning. I may have gotten a couple actually. These are not wood splinters, no. These were most likely hair splinters. I never vacuumed after my hair cut earlier this week and although I did wash out the bathroom, I did not clean up the rest of the house, and some strands of hair could have potentially gotten tracked out of the cutting area. As such, the long strands will do nothing more than potentially stick to my socks, but the really short ones..

In any case, MJNL helped extract one from my foot. The other took a while to work it's way out, but I was hobbling for part of the morning.

So this is the lead up to why I was vacuuming the house in the morning. As I made my way to the living room, I discovered an army of ants swarming over some leftover popcorn that was sitting on the floor near the door.

Oh crap.

I quickly sucked them up into the vacuum cleaner, and started sucking up the rest of the ants in the area. More came. I sucked them up. I continued to expand my circle of suckage as I was gripped by the fear of an ant invasion.

My property is completely surrounded by ant colonies. This was partially because my garden have some plants that benefit from ants and I am a little wary of eliminating all of them. Besides, these ants are not carpenter, army, or fire ants so I am not as worried about them, but still. Too close man! Stay out!

I purchased several different types of ant bait that should at least take out the ones that have entered my house. We'll see how effective they are.

I am also going to be cleaning more regularly.


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