Hang to Ingrown.

I had an annoying hang nail a week ago and clipped it off. Or at least mostly clipped it off. I was unable to get a clean cut and ended up pulling at it and ripping it off (and subsequently retracted under the skin). A couple of days later, my finger felt a little sore where the portion of the ripped nail that stayed attached and tender when I pressed on the skin. The soreness got more and more pronounced until this weekend when I noticed at green tinge on the skin next to my nail. It was a small green line, but not very prominent.

Things came to a head yesterday when the green line got a lot larger and my finger was noticeably swollen and very tender to the touch. I have a bad feeling that the that nail shard I left attached is somehow slowly pushing into my skin as the nail continues to grow.

It looks as gross as it is painful.
I was going to go to a doctor to take a look at it today if the finger was worse than yesterday, but it seems about the same as before. I'll keep monitoring the situation. That being said, I don't think I'll be going to broomball tomorrow..


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