This is real. This is happening.

So MJNL and I will be moving back downtown after baby is born. This to give her parents a break from the screaming and sleepless nights to come, and also to get us back downtown where we belong. We were lucky enough to be able to rent a place from someone we know for a very good price. Lucky that it had not been snapped up beforehand and lucky enough that they were still in the middle of renovating when we started seriously considering the option of going back downtown. To top it off, they live more-or-less down the street! Potential baby-sitter material I can imagine.. *rubs hands in anticipation*

We had checked out the place a couple of weeks ago just to see if it would work for us, and this past Saturday we went down to take some measurements before having dinner with said couple (plus family, plus several other families). Instead of heading back to the house for dinner, MJNL wanted to do a bit of a tour of the area, so I started driving around, turning left, left.. I got tired of turning left in downtown traffic and started turning right, and at the next right, (on a Church and Wood) I recognized someone standing on the corner: Growly!

What the heck was Growly doing downtown in that area all by himself? *raises eyebrow*

Well, he had a very legitimate excuse, and we ended up chatting in the car for an hour (or so) before dropping him off at the station and finally heading back to the house where we had a nice spaghetti dinner (for all of an hour) before we had to head out.

Now, MJNL and I have been slowly purging our stuff and have been pretty successful at getting rid of most of our unneeded furniture. This has freed up a lot of space from both our parents' houses but we still have a lot of stuff strewn about. We can definitely help declutter once we move out, taking some of the extra furniture with us, which will hopefully result in a much more open house. (Once the stuff in the basement gets moved up.)

Oh, that reminds me. I should start asking around to see who's available to help us move.


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