
Showing posts from July, 2015

Shadow Hopping.

My commutes have gotten a few times longer since I moved. I have also been spending a lot more time on the expressways. Plenty of that time was spent idling under the blistering sun. Most cagers don't notice the effect the sun can have, protected by their wind shields with their air conditioning blasting into their faces. But for me, with only a plastic shield and sunglasses, staring in to the sun is surprisingly draining. The stop and go traffic, eating the car and truck exhaust, even sweltering in the heat and humidity (some given off by the cars in front of me) is nothing compared to the constant abuse I get from the sun as it's rays beat down on me for an hour every morning. How do sun worshipers do it? I end my ride to work exhausted, soaked with sweat, slightly dehydrated, and with a mild case of sun stroke - or at least it feels like it. Certainly not something I would like to continue to do day in and day out. In any case, I have resorted to something I call "s

Sour milk.

The milk I had in the fridge was a little suspect. It had been sitting in the cooler all day and I was worried that it may warm up more than it should have due to the placement of the bag relative to the ice packs. As such, I should have tested the milk first before pouring it on my cereal. However, hind sight is 20/20. When I took my first spoonful of breakfast, the sweetness of the cereal mixed with the sourness of the milk to produce a really strange taste. Strange enough for me to test the milk separately and realize that it had gone bad. There goes several dollars worth of milk and cereal down the drain! Ick. I had a glass of orange juice instead to replace that caloric intake.

I'm a groomsman?

Okay, so I will admit that I kind of sort of remembered being asked to be a groomsman by HKL, but this was a while ago and nothing was in writing. I expected some sort of e-mail or message or something later to confirm the attendance and duties for all of the groomsmen. So I decided not to commit it to memory since I would get a reminder closer to the date of the wedding. Well, I did get one: The day before the wedding. It basically mentioned that we were to meet somewhere if possible. Then a followup e-mail indicating style of dress: Formal, but no matching necessary. I am so glad that I decided to bring a suit anyway. The ceremony was nice and simple. The attendees were basically immediate family only, but considering the size of the two families, we completely filled the tiny chapel. It was hot and sunny that day, but after the two DR weddings, hot and sunny here has nothing on a Caribbean wedding. I at least was able to keep my shirt on in this instance. An interesting coincid

Is this the mid life? Is this just fantasy?

So MJNL took me and my parents out to lunch yesterday, and then to the Ontario Science Centre where we checked out an IMAX movie (about the Hubble Space Telescope), the Planetarium, and the Mythbusters exhibit (which was very well done I might add). Afterward, we had a hump date at the local Cineplex VIP theatre where w watched Terminator: Genisys. The movie was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I mean, sure there were plot holes and really strange decisions made by the characters, and a bit of that whole "alternate timeline" thing they did with Star Trek. But I basically turned my brain off for this movie and watched things get blown up.

Where are my drafts?

I've been using the new Google inbox and so far it really has not really yanked my chain. It functions fairly well, and I do like the reminders, but the interface is slower than the old one and finding messages is a little more annoying right now. However, something that is really bothering me is the way that it does not automatically save drafts in a timely manner. I lost two messages because I flipped between two e-mails and drafts for both e-mails vanished into the ether. What the hey? THAT is really annoying.

Expendable Cycles.

I ended up watching all of the Expendable movies this weekend. I started watching the first movie again last night and just kept watching them this morning and afternoon. The first one was fine for what it was. The second was entertaining with all of those cameo appearances and self referential remarks. The third was had a few too many people in it. I also decided to go cycling for my errands today instead of riding or driving. The weather was great for biking and I may not get too many more chances like this in the near future so off I went for a couple of hours. Of course I still forgot to pick up milk, but hey, we're not all perfect.