Reviving the past.

I've had a task on my list for quite some time: Revive the PIT. Since I had purchased a virtual server a year ago, I have had the tools to set it up, but just never bothered starting the project. There were some security issues that bothered me, and I wanted to convert my website so that it was static. Making the website static would mean requiring only a very small and simple web server to host the page, but to do that I had to bring the site back on line. I finally gathered the will to set it up this weekend.

Well, I had anticipated working on it all weekend, but managed to bring it online in four hours. Some things may still be broken, but right now I realize that because of the way I had set up the web page, I can not easily freeze the site like our wedding website.

I think I'll leave the website up for a bit. After I clean out any of the old data and remove some of the unnecessary functionality I'll reassess the situation and decide then whether or not to keep the code or fix the site for good.


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