How do I make a call?

My mom came up to me with her iPhone and asked me how she could call somebody with it. What a strange question! She has had the phone for several months now, but I guess never tried dialing with it.

Anyhoo, she saw the phone icon, and picked out the number to call. Then while the call was being made, he'd the phone in front of her face and asked if it was working. It was. Then why is it so quiet? It's because you're not using the speaker phone, otherwise you can use it like a regular phone. But why is it so quiet?

I am paraphrasing here but the conversation was taking many minutes to play out.

I had to physicallly move the phone to her ear and even the she was confused asking if she was supposed to speak into the speaker, all the while my aunt was on the other end of the call listening in.

I guess saying "use it like a phone" is lost on people who only use non-smart phones?


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