Being a little un-prolific.

So I have been pretty bad at making any posts here on anything but a monthlyish basis.

We have been busy, and we have had time to relax. But we still feel awfully tired by the end, middle, and beginning of the day.

I've reintroduced beef to my diet, and it doesn't feel like much has changed. I still feel tired, but I did come down with something Friday night but my symptoms were just a lack of appetite and a need for sleep. A good night's rest seemed to cure me of my ails.

I have some projects on the go. A few are board game related, but they have been put on hold until I finish another project for my cousin, which is actually quite an interesting diversion from my other distractions.

We also have been binge watching "Orange is the New Black" and "House of Cards". Well, MJNL has been watching the former more than I, while the latter does perk my interest. Netflix is really doing well on some of their new shows.

I really should be writing more. So much stuff gets missed when I don't record it and it all just disappears in to the ether.

Ah well, what can you do when you have other things to do with your time?


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