
Showing posts from June, 2014

Proud in T.O.

MJNL and I spent some time this weekend enjoying some of the Pride events taking place downtown. On Saturday night, we hung around Harbourfront after dinner at Momofuku. The ramen was tasty, although a bit on the expensive side. The late night cabaret was a bit of a bust, but we were able to enjoy a bit of a midnight dessert uptown. We got out Sunday afternoon to Yonge-Dundas square to enjoy part of the pride parade and the closing ceremonies. We ended up standing down in the square a few more hours than anticipated. The show did not end until eleven! Five hours of standing can be really hard on the soles. Something else to remember for next time: When ordering from Popeye's chicken, make sure you ask how long the nuggets will take - I stood around for half an hour waiting for them to finish my order. I think we would have been able to finish a meal at the Vietnamese restaurant next door in that time!

J and K

Strange how sometimes you bump into people in the strangest places. I ran into JK at Galleria on Friday night, then KL at Toshi today.

..and I walked home part way too.

I was telling myself that the chances of being stuck in a traffic jam both ways on the same day for daily commute was nigh impossible. Well it certainly has never happened before. Well, it happened. On the way back home yesterday, the moment I got on the highway, I was stuck. I should have taken a detour once I saw the parking lot I was riding in to, but I figured that statistics doesn't work that way does it? Well, I think that I have to relearn statistics. So, I spent the better part of half an hour walking my bike again, turning off my motorcycle so that I could coast down the valley without the heat of the bike compounding the heat from the sun and my own body radiation. By the time I got to the bottom I knew that I would be releasing a pool of my own sweat when I got home and took a detour off the highway. The side roads were better, but it was still hot nonetheless. This morning I left home ten minutes early and got to work thirty minutes early. Everything balances out in

Being a little un-prolific.

So I have been pretty bad at making any posts here on anything but a monthlyish basis. We have been busy, and we have had time to relax. But we still feel awfully tired by the end, middle, and beginning of the day. I've reintroduced beef to my diet, and it doesn't feel like much has changed. I still feel tired, but I did come down with something Friday night but my symptoms were just a lack of appetite and a need for sleep. A good night's rest seemed to cure me of my ails. I have some projects on the go. A few are board game related, but they have been put on hold until I finish another project for my cousin, which is actually quite an interesting diversion from my other distractions. We also have been binge watching "Orange is the New Black" and "House of Cards". Well, MJNL has been watching the former more than I, while the latter does perk my interest. Netflix is really doing well on some of their new shows. I really should be writing more.

I can say I walked partway to work..

There was an accident on the highway on the way to work. If I had taken the car I would have been able to avoid it. Unfortunately, the accident occurred after I left my place and before the backup got to my intersection. I was given a choice however: The express lanes looked awfully busy and plugged for the most part, while the collector lanes was very empty. However, past the transfer point the express lanes were at least moving. I should've went with my gut (to take the express lanes) because every time I did (except for once) I came out on top. Well, I went on the collectors and ended stuck in traffic. Traffic was so slow for so long that I started duck walking instead of using gas. One trucker who pulled up next to me mentioned how quiet my bike was. It was quiet because I turned it off! He also mentioned that there was an accident ahead and it was being cleared out. Oh hurrah. I only spent half an hour walking my bike down the highway..