A new old mattress.

MJNL had been complaining for years about my mattress. She was saying how uncomfortable it was, and that she was getting a sore back every time she slept on it. I personally never had a problem with my mattress. In fact, it was quite a step up from the quarter century old twin mattress that I had when I first moved into the condo!

But she did have a point, the mattress was getting old (I bought it used and I already had it for over five years) and you are supposed to replace your mattress every decade or so. We wanted to get a king sized mattress, but it would have taken some time to make the space necessary to make it fit in our bedroom. (It would fit though.)

Well, HakkaKa and AL had bought a new bed when they moved into their new house, but kept their old queen sized mattress in one of the spare rooms. A week ago MJNL asked if we could exchange mattresses, since their old bed was not being used very often. They had agreed to the switch to which MJNL was ecstatic about. In addition, they had agreed to take my old bed from my parents' place. girl had bought a new queen sized bed last fall to be used at my parents' place and we had to move my old twin bed out of the room. The movers would take the old mattress for free, but we had to dispose of the bed ourselves. HakkaKa and AL had expressed interest in the bed so we left it in my parents' garage until we could find a way to transport it.

So, with all of this material to move around, we rented a truck and spent all of Sunday transporting our old mattress from our place to my parents' place where we picked up the bed, and then to HakkaKa and AL's place to drop it off and pick up the new mattress. I had originally rented a full sized van, but upgraded to a truck on the off chance things would not have fit, but now that I think back, everything would have fit without any problems. (And it would have been much cheaper.)

We had sequestered RL and JW to help out, which was more than enough help, but it was better to have too much rather than too little.

Since the move, MJNL has been quite pleased with the change. The extra pillow top has been very good to her back, and so far she has not complained about soreness, although my lower back was a little sore this morning..


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