Floppy CDs

MJNL and I have been spending all day cleaning up the apartment. We have been planning on doing this since we came back from our honeymoon. In fact, we have been planning on cleaning our place up since all of this wedding stuff started piling up in our apartment. Now that we are done with all of the wedding events, we have been able to move everything out, and to finish writing our thank you cards (I hope we did not miss anybody) and we can go back to living our normal lives!

But yes, back to cleaning. One of the many things I had on my to do list was to go through a pile of floppy disks I had lying around, but the task was difficult because I did not have a computer with a floppy drive. Well, I lied. I did have one, but it was running Ubuntu, and it was a pain in the butt to go through the disks. I wanted a windows machine so I can scan them quickly and move things off if I wanted a copy. Unfortunately, my server died eight months ago, and left me with no machine with a floppy drive.

Since I upgraded my own personal computer, I donated my old computer to MJNL's parents and took their old machine so that I can donate it to reBOOT. That machine had a floppy drive, and while I was destroying the data, I decided I should take this opportunity to use this floppy drive while I could. I do not think I know anyone else who actually owns a machine with a floppy drive. (Actually, I think my parents do, but anyway..)

So I went through the disks and found nothing of import. I formatted the disks that I thought might have personal information, and I will be throwing them out. Now I am going through some of these old CDs, and I plan to throw them out too. Hopefully I get through them all. This to do item has been on my list for years!


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