
Showing posts from December, 2020

Dead 'Coon.

I just noticed a carcass in my backyard. The location of the body was such that the camera was blocked by one of my trees so I could not tell how or when it got there. We also had a couple of warmish days just now so much of the snow melted, revealing the dead animal but I had a lot of trouble trying to figure out how long this wildlife buffet was around, seeing that there was not much left apart from fur, bones, and a smattering of meat. Apparently the city will pick up dead wildlife from private property so long as the animal was at least as big as a racoon, but the owner would have to bag it and bring it to the curb first. Smaller animals are to be disposed in the garbage. I could not tell initially what animal it was, but it was not small. When I got my bags out and took a closer look, I noticed the tail was striped, and concluded that this used to be a racoon. There was not much left, not even a head to speak of, so I just dumped it into my garbage bin. Pickup is in two days anywa

A little bigger, a little faster.

I upgraded my NAS this past week. I had found an article detailing how to expand the memory of the device and figured that it was worth spending time and money to try out. My NAS was running quite slowly due to the lack of memory, and I was running out of space on the drive itself, so I purchased a couple of 4 TB drives to go along with the new memory and voila! I have twice as much space, double the redundancy, and eight times the memory. I can even start running some docker stuff with all of this extra RAM. Well, let's see how it performs over the next couple of weeks first. I have noticed a strange short on the USB port which may have been the reason that my external hard drive got fried. (Oh, I also got a new external hard drive for backup.)