
I finally replaced my old HTC One a couple of weeks ago. I have been meaning to replace that phone for a couple of years now, ever since the battery started to die during the day. I got by in the interim by keeping the phone plugged in during the day. Earlier this year I started to keep the phone in energy saving mode all the time as it wouldn't last more than an hour on regular battery usage. At that point I knew I needed to get a new phone. My phone was dying and I was losing calls.

So I started looking at getting a replacement last month and was told I could get a Pixel 3 for a reasonable amount (on contract). To make a long story short (it was quite an arduous process), I ended up getting a Pixel 2 XL and I have been happy with my selection so far. I originally thought that the XL would have been too large, but.. you get used to it pretty quickly.

Now I was going to turn the HTC One into a phone that Elsy could play with, but it is not running a late enough version of Android OS to install Family Link. At least not my version of the phone..

Time to unlock!


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