Pass me once, shame on you.

I was riding to work this morning and had stopped at a light. A mini van passed me, in my lane, and stopped in the gap that I left between me and the car ahead. Now similar situations like this have happened to me before where cars go through my lane as if I was not even there, so my usual tactic is to get in front of the car and kind of make my presence known so that they keep an eye out for riders like me. So as we were stopped at the light, I went around the car and sat myself in front.

After we started moving again, I rode normally, leaving about a car length or two between me and the car ahead while at speed. I also stayed on once side of the lane as riders normally do. Well, the mini van passed me again, this time while in motion. Now this is very dangerous and definitely got me riled up. At the next stop, I pulled up next to the vehicle on the driver's side. Inside was a early middle aged Chinese woman in the driver's seat. (Not giving that stereotype any help.) She didn't look at me so I started to say something, but she rolled up the window and continued to stare forward.

Nice attempt to be passive aggressive. I figured that it wasn't worth the effort to educate her so I just sped off after the next light and never saw her again. At least not that day.


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