
Showing posts from February, 2017

I forgot to mention the retainer.

I went to another specialist last week and forgot to mention that I thought that I had solved my medical issue when I stopped using the retainer. Hopefully I will remember for next time. One interesting point he raised was that the symptoms I described were very much like asthma. But I don't get short of breath, just phlegmy. It is an avenue that I should look into though.

Game over, man. Game over.

Bill Paxton passed away. I just wanted to use that quote.


Seems like I have a case of bursitis and not anything more serious than that. I'll keep stretching the joint but I should heal over time.

Blanket source, no heat.

Since my diagnosis last week, I had been thinking of what might have been causing my skin to react so badly. After thinking about it, I believe I have a source for my ailment. It could be the blanket I am using at my parents' place. The lesions started to appear soon after it got cold, and I started using a second blanket in the bunk bed room. During the interim period where no new symptoms appeared, I did not sleep over in the bunk bed at my parents' place, but once I started doing so again, at the end of the year the symptoms returned. In fact, since our return from Dubai, we have been staying there every day, and I had spent most nights in that room, and lesions had not spread to most parts of my body - particularly areas that become exposed - namely the lower legs, arms, neck, collar, and the waistline. There are some other spots that are not exposed, but much rarer. Now, these bunk beds were normally used by my niblings when they come to visit and they have had a history

Discoid Eczema

Well, there you go, at least I know what it is. It comes with a number of names, like nummular dermatitis, but the treatment is basically: change your soap and moisturize. I was given a cream to help too. She said that it would clear up in five weeks. Next up: Nausea.

Not helping with the stereotype lady..

This morning while I was driving to work, I was crossing through a large intersection and watched as a car made a right turn into my lane. No problem, right turns on red lights are legal and I was plenty far away. However, the mini-van behind the first car did the exact same thing, with nary a pause, while I was already in the intersection travelling at the limit. Did the driver even look for oncoming traffic? I leaned on the horn and the brakes and managed to stop less than a meter from the other car which, due to the commotion, basically stopped in front of me. In the driver's seat, a middle aged Chinese lady looked at me confusedly. WTF lady? She just drove off. Had the roads been icy as it was originally predicted to be at this time, that lady would have been dead. I probably would have been a little slower, but I would not have been able to stop nor swerve in time. No wonder why auto insurance rates are higher in this area. (Another reason why I like living downtown.)