
Showing posts from August, 2016

Listen well.

Toadstool is such a fungi that he can bring life to a dead party. Alga and took a lichen to him. Too bad he had to leave because there wasn't mushroom there. At yeast he was a good spore about it.

Unexpected revisit.

I went to the hospital to visit Laz again. This time it was after the crisis was over, and this time I went with Fively. The extra company was good. I was able to use the HOV lane, and Fively was able to comfort Laz more than I could ever have. Hearing him recount the events from earlier in the week brought to mind the text that MJH sent to me on Monday. How shocked was I that things had gone from bad to worse so quickly. That I had only seen him the day before and he was in okay, if not good, spirits. Mind you, the events of that morning were quite worrisome, and it should not have been that much of a surprise to anyone that events could have turned this way. It was quite lucky for him though that he was in the care of a hospital when things unfolded rather than alone at his condo. How important it is to have a companion, especially if you have some sort of ailment. As with the last visit I stayed for over two hours, the time ticking by unnoticeably quickly and only leaving the hosp

Another hospital visit.

I went to visit Laz in the hospital today. It was one of the rare times that MJNL would be at an event with EYS which meant that I was left to my own devices for a couple of hours. MJNL did not want EYS to be in a hospital unless she had to until she had a few more immunizations in her so having her come for a visit was out of the question, which meant that one of us (MJNL) would need to watch her while the other (moi) would visit. Finally the hospital was pretty far from where we are living now so things were not very convenient, until today. I dropped MJNL and EYS at a bridal shower that was actually on the way to the hospital, so I decided to keep going in that direction for a visit. Of course I could have given a better heads up but I was not sure about the precise timing (due to EYS and waffle making) so when I arrived (after not getting any confirmation messages) I found that Laz was out cold. Fortunately his parents were there, even more fortunately, his mom actually recognize

Exercising public transit.

Three days I have taken public transit and I have exercised more this past two days than I have in 5 months! Let me explain. No, that will take too long. Let me summarize. I missed the courtesy shuttle that takes us from our building to the subway station and decided to walk instead of wait the half hour for the shuttle to come back (or take the bus). This happened twice. Also, bought shelf on craigslist and decided to pick it up on the way home (using public transit) rather than drive to pick it up. It was a long ten minute walk back to the station. I think I should keep it up. I haven't produced this much sweat since March 12th!

Hunting for waffles.

MJNL and I had a craving for waffles this morning so I decided to go to a waffle place near us only to find that it was boarded up! Since when? I ended up going to another place where the prices were more expensive, but hopefully that much more tasty? I doubt it..