Spotting the spots.

During my teenage years, I grew a lot of spots. Mostly on my face. It was a part of growing up for many of us, but I had it especially bad, the scars of that war would linger on my visage for years, nay decades afterward. As I was approaching my thirties, those scars would fade and only small traces from that those forgotten battles would still be visible those in the know. As the forties approached, the spots have returned, but this time different. Not as irritating, but definitely noticeable. Darker, smaller, flatter. These spots would not just appear on my face but all over. My arms are littered with them. My hands even have developed spots here and there.

Age spots they say. Of course, there are other types of spots that can appear. Melanoma is not uncommon these days. These spots will need to be watched. New ones need to be examined. Old ones need to be tracked. As the spots multiply, this task will become increasingly more difficult. As spots develop in areas my eyes cannot reach, I will need assistance to pursue and catalog those outliers.

The price for good health is eternal vigilance.


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