
Showing posts from July, 2016

Uncommon first names.

I do enjoy having an uncommon first name. Makes it easy to determine if someone was talking to (or about) me or not. However, a good portion of the people I know have fairly common English names or variations thereof: Stephen, Michael, David, Brian, etc. So I sometimes need to be careful when talking about someone so that the person I'm talking to knows who I am actually talking about, because just discussing someone's situation doesn't always makes it obvious who I am talking about. Last night was a case in point. I will not repeat what I said but I just wanted to send myself a reminder to be more specific in my conversations as to not sow confusion in the future.

More DRAM cash?

I was just informed by DS (the sleepy one) that he just got a cheque for more compensation for the DRAM lawsuit. Instead of the original $20 that we all got, he got over $100! Apparently others have gotten hundreds in dollars worth in cheques! What the hey?!? I guess I'll be waiting with baited breath to see if a cheque arrives in the mail for me..

The song of ice and fire.

So I read that GRRM may not have been overly happy with the way the TV series brought Jon Snow back. But the book has not been written (read) yet so there may be a different way that Jon Snow may factor into A Song of Ice and Fire. I think he may be revived by Lady Stoneheart who might finally accept Jon and transfer her fire to him. I think that there was some fan speculation of this, but people don't seem convinced due to certain personality traits and physical limitations. My other thought was that Jon might be revived by the Night King and/or Children of the Forest making him something akin to Coldhands or a white walker, this would bring him back but prevent him from crossing the wall. Only after Lady Stoneheart meets up with him beyond the wall will she be able to fully revive him with her fire, completing the Song of Ice and Fire, and only then will Azor Ahai be reborn.

Spotting the spots.

During my teenage years, I grew a lot of spots. Mostly on my face. It was a part of growing up for many of us, but I had it especially bad, the scars of that war would linger on my visage for years, nay decades afterward. As I was approaching my thirties, those scars would fade and only small traces from that those forgotten battles would still be visible those in the know. As the forties approached, the spots have returned, but this time different. Not as irritating, but definitely noticeable. Darker, smaller, flatter. These spots would not just appear on my face but all over. My arms are littered with them. My hands even have developed spots here and there. Age spots they say. Of course, there are other types of spots that can appear. Melanoma is not uncommon these days. These spots will need to be watched. New ones need to be examined. Old ones need to be tracked. As the spots multiply, this task will become increasingly more difficult. As spots develop in areas my eyes cannot rea

The paradox of inclusivity.

How does one allow for an inclusive society but prevent those who are exclusively minded from harassing others?

Pokey and Karma.

I went to a party on Saturday and was surprised that I saw two people who looked like Pokey and Karma! They were indeed not those two people, but the resemblance, especially for Karma was uncanny.