Does it pass the smell test?

I got a little hungry, so I decided to go through my stash of backup snacks. Snacks that I have not touched in years. Many years.

First up, was the package of crackers which I have held on to for about 15 years. They looked fine from the outside, but when I opened the package and took a sniff, it smelled like cardboard. At least to me it did. DS thought it smelled metallic, or plastic. RM did not smell anything. (I would not trust an ex-smoker's sense of smell anyway.) I figured that it was time to let it go.

Next up was a Kashi granola bar. This bar I have had for about 14 years. When I opened it and took a sniff, I thought I smelled play-doh. DS thought it smelled off as well. RM refused to smell it. Into the trash heap.

Finally, I had this Chinese fried snack that I have held on to for about 11 years. After opening it, I thought it smelled like plastic. DS and RM both refused to do the sniff test. *chucks*

At last I still have my Ferrero Rocher from this past Christmas.. (only three months old.)


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