A sliver in the sole.

I was moving things around the house last night when I felt my sock catch onto something I tried moving my foot but it only went in one direction and it felt like I had stepped on a staple. Interestingly enough, it did not hurt but I could not seem to remove the foreign object from my sock. I tried removing my sock to see if I could pull it out, but since I was standing on one foot, trying to look at the bottom of my other foot, I had some trouble seeing what I had stepped on. Fortunately, MJNL had heard my yelps and came over to investigate. She noted that it was a sliver of wood and had to yank hard to get it out. It seemed to have gotten lodged about one centimeter into my sole.

Amazingly enough it did not hurt since it went into my foot obliquely and I guess stayed mostly in the epidermis. Still, after hopping around for a few minutes, it did start to sting, so I put some rubbing alcohol on it and hoped that I didn't jab anything nasty in there..


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