Always check the bag..

I think I have been burned once or twice by take out orders not actually having all of the items that were ordered in the order. Since then, I have been a bit more thorough whenever picking up my take out orders. Even with really large orders (or especially with them) I would open up the bags/boxes and count out each dish to make sure that everything is there. It saved me a trip back to a pizzeria when they forgot a dish and it (kinda) saved me this past weekend when I ordered wings and ribs.

I ordered a moderately large order of wings and ribs from an establishment that I had never been to, and despite having two large bags to go through, I decided to open up the boxes to look through all the items that I got. I went through the big boxes and didn't see any wings (I was supposed to get two pounds of wings plus twenty boneless wings). I found ribs sure, and all of the sides were taken into account. No wings.

I had them go through the boxes themselves and, yup, no wings. The excuse was that they were cleaning the oil and must've forgotten to make the wings, so I stuck around for 20 minutes while they cooked up a new batch. We were already running a little late, and this did not help with our arrival time but it's hard to show up at someone's place saying that you have ribs and wings when you don't have any wings. I was given a coupon for a free pound of wings and fries the next time I order from them, so at least the customer service was good.

So once the wings were done, I was handed a fairly small box and I looked inside and saw wings. I inquired whether the boneless wings were inside as well and was told that they were in there so I left it at that.

Of course, when we arrived at our destination and opened up the boxes. Lo and behold, no boneless wings. I decided to call to complain before they forgot about my order and was told that they would give me a free pound of boneless wings the next time I came by. I wasn't in the mood to argue so I left it at that.

Later that night I got a call from the restaurant owner offering me two pounds of boneless wings to make up for the missing food so, yeah. Free wings the next time I'm in the area - which may not be for a while..

Moral of the story: Always check the bags. It's okay to be a little anal when it comes to picking up your food. You did pay for it and it is easy for busy restaurants (or even non-busy ones) to screw up your order.

I probably should've insisted in the boneless wings initially though.


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