
Showing posts from January, 2016

Always check the bag..

I think I have been burned once or twice by take out orders not actually having all of the items that were ordered in the order. Since then, I have been a bit more thorough whenever picking up my take out orders. Even with really large orders (or especially with them) I would open up the bags/boxes and count out each dish to make sure that everything is there. It saved me a trip back to a pizzeria when they forgot a dish and it (kinda) saved me this past weekend when I ordered wings and ribs. I ordered a moderately large order of wings and ribs from an establishment that I had never been to, and despite having two large bags to go through, I decided to open up the boxes to look through all the items that I got. I went through the big boxes and didn't see any wings (I was supposed to get two pounds of wings plus twenty boneless wings). I found ribs sure, and all of the sides were taken into account. No wings. I had them go through the boxes themselves and, yup, no wings. The exc

Proof: Divisible by 9.

I completely forgot about my post from two and a half years ago regarding that little math trick BL brought up regarding numbers divisible by 9 . I had discovered that there was a general rule that the difference between two integers will always be divisible by 9 if the two integers are of the same sign, and use the same digits. For example, 4751 and 1574, or 9201 and 291 (i.e. 0291). I mentioned that I would write down a proof when I had the time, and forgot to. So I'm going to do it now before I forget. But I apologize in advance for the terrible non-math font. Any integer can be expressed as a sum of the powers of each digit multiplied by the ten to the power of the digit's position in the number. For example, 583 = 5 * 100 + 8 * 10 + 3 = 5 * 10 2 + 8 * 10 1 + 3 * 10 0 Let us take an integer N with n digits and express it as a sum of its digits: N = a n * 10 n + a n-1 * 10 n-1 + ... + a 1 * 10 1 + a 0 * 10 0 Where 0 <= a k <= 9 where 0 <= k &

I got my twenty bucks!

So remember I was talking about getting some "free" money last year ? Well, I got the cheque in the mail a couple of weeks ago and cashed it just before Christmas. Did you get your "free" cash?

Dream Sequence: Zombies at the Airport.

I found myself walking through a crowd into an airport. I was looking for the computer room so that I could.. well, do computery things. However, every time I tried to compare the map that I had with the room layout, I could not seem to find a way into the computer room. It took a while of poking around the area to realize that the computer room was actually inaccessible normally even though it was on the map. It was JW who was able to find someone to lead us to the entrance for the room. I was not there when he was shown the door, but I was able to get in before they closed the door to the room. I could not remember much about the room itself except that there was a lot of boxes that you needed to hop on to get deeper into the room. Higher and higher the boxes went. I mentally thought that it would make it very difficult for zombies to ever catch anyone hiding in here and realizing that I may have tempted fate, I went out to the one of the waiting areas to look outside at one of the