Warm seats and missing pizza.

I have always found sitting down on a chair or other piece of sit-able furniture which was recently vacated by another person a rather warm and uncomfortable experience. The heat from the seat and the perceived moisture combines to form an icky feeling each time I find myself in this situation. Why does this happen with seats from other people and not from seats that I have vacated? If I get up from my chair for a moment and sit back down, I feel quite normal. I assume it's because the temperature difference is minimal between my seat and.. my seat. But if I take someone else's seat, even if they were away for a minute, it feels as if I was placing my rear in a warm moist heating pad.

I guess it is a question I can pose to those more knowledgeable than I.

In other news, on the way to the washroom, I noticed a half-full pizza box in the kitchen. I was told that the pizza was left over from a meeting and free for everyone, but they would probably go fast. I needed to wash my hands anyway, so I headed to the washroom first. Two minutes later when I got back the pizza (and the box, plates, and napkins) was all gone! What the.. locusts! *shakes fist*


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