Oh, Thanks!

The arrival of Thanksgiving also heralds the start of the broomball season. I certainly am out of shape and will need to get reconditioned to running on ice again. With this additional pull on my time, I have to start letting go of other events. The first of which is archery.

I have been arching at Shawn's Archery since June (with a break in August). So for the past three and a half months, I have definitely improved my skills as a (left handed) archer. But I am getting to the point where further improvements are better gained by acquiring my own equipment and I can't take that leap at this time of my life. So this fact, on top of the crazy commute and the cost, is the main reason why I've decided to stop going after this month. It was fun, and I had a good time. I even got Laz to sign up and learn. It's a great place to learn to arch, especially in the winter time, so I would recommend anyone who lives downtown and was interested in trying it out to sign up for at least a beginner session to get a feel for shooting arrows from a recurve bow.

The second weekly event I will be cutting back on is badminton. Although I enjoy by time there and it is really easy on the pocketbook, the commute is even worse than from archery and I need to decide on whether or not I should go, as it is basically an excuse to have dinner with my parents. I can shift that over to broomball nights, which could kill two birds with one stone.

So that is it, we will see how busy I will be for the rest of the autumn. Let's stay sane!


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