To sleep, perchance.. to sleep.

I have been having some terrible sleep of late. I'm not sure exactly what is the cause yet, but I have been going to bed at a fairly good hour (before 2300), and I usually wake up before my alarm goes off at 0630. So I should be getting close to eight hours of sleep no? Even seven hours should be pretty good, but I'm worried that my quality of sleep is what's keeping me un-asleep at night.

Normally in the morning I have no recollection of the night before, so I assume that I had a normal sleep, except that I feel exhausted. That doesn't make sense. Last night I tried adjusting my pillow higher, to see what affect it will have on my sleep. Well, I do remember last night. I woke up several times in the middle of the night only to fall right back to sleep again. I wonder if this is sleep apnea. With the higher pillow lifting my head at a higher angle, it may block my airway enough to cause me to stop breathing and wake up enough to notice that I've woken up. Prior nights' awakenings may have been more mild and less obtrusive on my sleep cycle so it may interrupt my sleep but not wake me.

The pillows I've been using now have been pretty bad at maintaining their form and quickly become depressed and offer no support. Tonight I plan on trying out a pillow roll to lift my neck higher so my head can recline more and open up that airway a bit. It is time for more.. experiments!


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