
Showing posts from January, 2014

Ride and Climb for Charity.

So this year MJNL wanted to participate in the CN Tower climb, so I dusted off my old WWF CN Tower climb login, and lo and behold, it still works! Actually, that is kinda scary that they still have it on hand even after ten years.. In any case, I have signed up for two events this year and if you want, you can sponsor me for the Becel Heart&Stroke Ride for Heart and/or the WWF CN Tower Climb .

Rolling boulders...

I found this article about house destroying boulders from a Facebook post from RH.

'Twas This Tesla That I Saw Twice Today.

While I was driving up my main street to work, I noticed a Tesla in the lane next to me. I recognized the emblem and then noticed the green license plate before it drove away. It was going on the highway on the opposite direction so I did not expect to see it again. Mind you, I have been seeing more and more Teslas on the road so I'm not as taken aback when I do see one on the road. Driving back on the same artery road on my way home, lo and behold would you have thought that the same Tesla would pull up next to me? Reminds me of that motorcyclist I ran into twice in the same day.


AI sent me a link for a newish first person puzzle type game that looks worth trying out!

Power outish.

I was driving on the highway, on my way home from badminton, and noticed some bright blue flashes in the sky. It was well into the evening, and there were clouds in the sky, but I could clearly make out some bright blue flashes. I counted several pulses before they stopped. I thought that it could have been lightning, but it did not look quite right. I also considered that it might have been a transformer explosion, but it seemed too high in the sky for that. Well, I got a call on my phone, which I was not able to pick up just after the flashes stopped. I found out later that it was MJNL calling me to tell me that the power was out. I discovered that for myself as I drove into my neighborhood. On the block just before I got to my place, the whole neighborhood was pitch black. So it WAS a transformer explosion! How unfortunate that it had to be us. Fortunately enough, the power came back soon after I got into the apartment.

All dairy?!?

So I just got some allergy test results back and it looks like I am allergic to all dairy, eggs, soybeans and almonds. All dairy. Yes, like yogurt, goat and cow milk, cheese, everything. Oh yeah, and beef. What the whey? I mean, come on! Soy beans?!? That is like in all eastern Asian foods!

One payment crash

Last night I had my first real hiccup with my HTC one. Apps stopped opening and eventually some stuff crashed. A simple reboot fixed things but crashes in the first week aren't a good sign.. Also, right afterwards MJNL purchased something with an pay wave device. The device reading failed and she was forced to insert the card. After two strange bird chirps, the device returned a message indicating that it had crashed. I have never seen that happen!

One for this decade.

I finally ditched my old Sony Ericsson C510 and picked up a HTC One. My old phone was slowly dying on me, as the battery life on the device left a fair bit to be desired, especially when using the bluetooth. I ran out of power soon after picking up MJO from the airport, after a total of fifteen minutes of talk time, which sucked because that was the day after the ice storm and we had no power at the condo. So if there actually was an emergency, I would have been pretty hosed. (I also did not have a car charger for the device.) With the new phone I had to change my package to include data. I could have tried for a non-smart phone, but the pickings are mighty slim. Well, I guess I will be working on setting up my phone this weekend and learning to use the Android OS.