
Showing posts from December, 2013

Darth Vader Coming to America

MJO told me about this video of some Star Wars scenes using James Earl Jones voice from Coming to America.


So here's a timeline of the ice storm for us: Saturday, December 21st 1700 drove through rain to go to Woburn reunion. Roads slippery but not bad. 2100 power out at the party house. Apparently there were bright blue and azure flashes outside before lights flickered out. 2130 leave the house. Neighborhood completely out of power. Traffic lights out. I remember to treat as four way stop, so long as I see them before I get there. 2200 get home and go to sleep. Decide to charge up portable battery. Sunday, December 22nd 0530 wake up to natures call and noticed that power was out 0730 take shower. Water getting cold 0900 drive to airport. Lots of branches and wires down on the ground. 0930 flight delayed 1000 bridge frozen mike can't disembark 1030 parents call. My phone dies. 1100 go to uncle Betty's. See streets that are cordoned off due to fallen brances blocking road. 1115 arrive at restaurant. Place is packed, half of the businesses on yonge are out of


I finally have been able to get to a location with power, so hopefully I will be able to repower my electronics. That and check my e-mail.

About those monkeys..

Apparently that story I've been telling people about those monkeys getting hosed did happen . I'd like to get a copy of those papers though.

Who updates the spam filters?

We have been having issues at work where e-mail has not been coming in for some reason. Yesterday I decided to finally do something about it and run some tests. It took me a good part of the morning, but it was worth it. I found out that any message with the word "fax" was not coming in. After talking with the network guys, I found out that the spam filter was automatically updated to include "fax" in the filter. What? For a business e-mail system, not allowing "fax" is nearly as bad as not allowing "e-mail" or "phone". Sure, facsimiles are slowly going the way of the dinosaur, but still..

Green Kaw(ai?)i Girl.

On the highway on my way to work on Wednesday, I came across a rider, which was rare enough at this time of the year. I noticed that the rider was wearing pants only, which at this time of the year was an invitation for frost bite despite the unseasonably warm weather that day. As I got closer, I noticed that the bike was Kawasaki in standard bright green paint, but I also noticed that it was a woman who was riding the bike! Kudos to her. It was even stranger when we both pulled up the Victoria Park exit, but I thought nothing much at that time. After work the same day, on my way to pick up MJNL, I found myself stuck in traffic getting on to Yonge. While sitting around in the jam I glanced to my left and noticed a rider next to me. It was a green Kawasaki and the rider.. It was the same rider from the morning! Holy crap! What were the odds? Oh, an aside about Kawasakis. When I was younger and was thinking about riding a motorcycle, I thought that I would have gotten myself a Kawasa

Lucky lucky video.

You think this woman who lost her winning lottery ticket, only to be found by OLG was lucky? I think that this guy who was trapped at the bottom of the ocean for three days before being rescued was luckier! Also from Metro Morning , this interesting video of the best films of 2013 .

Make it so. (Christmas Carol)

HKL forwarded a ST:TNG music video just in time for the holiday season.