A Dark Night and Day of the Doctor

RM mentioned The Day of the Doctor special that was on this past weekend and I had forgotten about checking it out. I have watched the new Doctor Who series only a handful of times. The type of sci-fi adventure that that show represents is not the type of entertainment that I am looking for these days. I do enjoy a bit of Whoness now and then, and I did used to watch it religiously while I was a kid, but then again, science fiction television shows at that time were.. sparse.

Also, while I was getting The Day of the Doctor, I came across The Night of the Doctor as well. I did enjoy this special. It had a number of in jokes and a surprise cameo at the end.

Oh, and Laz mentioned a game called A Dark Room. This reminds me of a cross between those old text adventure games and the time based mobile games that can be frustratingly time consuming, yet so addictive..


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