I could have lost $50.

So we had drinks with the (Woo-)Tang clan last night and we were placed at a table next to someone who looked like Ben Johnson. Everybody at the table thought it was him, except me. Of course, no one would confirm it, although Growly did want to bet me $50 that it was him. I was going to take him up on that offer except he asked the others if they agreed with him and they did. At that point my Conjecture of Truth kicked in: If everyone believes that it is true, then it is true. (Regardless of whether or not it is correct.)

Being the lone dissenter amongst the group, I bit my tongue, but I still had to know for sure. So I went over and asked the guy if he was Ben Johnson. He was. I wonder what kind of look I had on my face. But I wished him a good night.

An aside: girl and I went over to the front counter to leave our plate numbers and ask the concierge if Ben Johnson could be staying at the hotel. She looked at us quizzically and asked "Who is Ben Johnson?". She was 21. She was born after the Seoul Olympics. That made me feel so old.


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