Cup holders required.

MJNL and I went to the Blue Jay's game last night. The less I speak of that game the better methinks.

Before the game, we decided that we would have a quick meal and then head downtown. I was to pick up some Harvey's on the way home so that we could eat and go. The weather yesterday was nice (although it looked like it could rain) so I decided to ride to work. I made sure that I had plenty of space in my backpack to hold the food on the way home.

I made our order and the moment he placed the cardboard cup holder on the counter, I realized my folly: There are no cup holders on my motorcycle.

I had a several options:

I could leave the drinks there, which seemed like a waste since, well, I probably would have saved money by just ordering the burgers and ignoring the drinks if I didn't need to get the meal deal.

I could take the drinks with me in my bag, but that was a disaster waiting to happen.

I could put the drinks in my jacket, but this was also a disaster waiting to happen, except that I'd be the only one getting wet and not my laptop.

I could put the cups on my fuel tank and hope they don't fall off. Not too far fetched, but somewhat dangerous considering that two very full cups of pop could pop all over me and the bike.

I could put the cups on the rear seat and hope they don't fall off. This was an idea even worse than the fuel tank! I would not be able to see what was going on until I turned around to find my drinks on someone's windshield.

These were all terrible options, but I had to choose one. I chose to ride with the drinks on the fuel tank. Amazingly, and luckily enough, I was able to drive more or less upright for the rest of the journey home without spilling more than a few drops onto the tank. Needless to say, I will not attempt this foolish act again.


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