
Showing posts from June, 2018

Slowly going fuzzy.

Sight has always been a big part of my life, and most of our lives I would guess. Losing our sight is part of the aging process, but just experiencing that gradual degradation feels like jumping off a plane and watching the ground slowly approach. There really isn't much one can so but try to deal with it the best we can. Technology may be readily available in the near future to completely remove this effect, but right now it is depressing to show up at the optometrist e ach year and see fewer and fewer letters on the screen.

Donating nostalgia.

So my dad asked both of us whether we wanted to keep the old Atari 800XL that has been sitting in the basement for about three decades. Neither of us wanted it, although I kind of would have liked to tinker with it for old times' sake. Atari 800XL But I do not have the time for doing the things I really should be looking at much less playing around for hours to get a three decade old computer up and running. I did not want the computer thrown out though, and I had been recently watching videos about The Centre for Computing History on Computerphile , so I did a bit of research and found The Personal Computer Museum . Atari 1027 Atari 1050 Along with the Atari 800XL we also had a lot of game cartridges, an Atari 1050 disk drive, a whole bunch of disks, an Atari 1027 printer, and my dad threw in a Smith Corona XL 1800 typewriter. I had good memories with that system. Many games, and my first programming as well, although it was mostly reading the code from a book ...