Where is my bike?

After the Ride for Heart, I left my bike locked up in my parking spot in the garage. Later in the summer, MJNL needed to use the bike lock to lock up the stroller when she went with EYS to Wonderland, so I took it off my bike for her to use. For months my bike was left in that state without being disturbed, but last Monday, when I went down to my car I noticed that the bike was missing..

The bike was there around 0100 the day before, so the time-frame for its disappearance was pretty small. I did not bother informing the concierge or following up. The bike was old, clunky, and - although not as bad as my last bike - was still a really cheap bike. I used the bike once a year at most and it was taking up space that I could use for other stuff.

It was not a great loss.

Still, I really should take better care of my bikes..


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