
Showing posts from January, 2017

Reliance on calculators.

I made an order for delivery last night and the estimated delivery time was 90 minutes. Ninety minutes! Madness! I called the restaurant to confirm the delivery time and asked how long it would be if I came to pick up the food. She told me 15-20 minutes. I figured that I might as well save my self a few bucks and an hour of hunger if I went to pick up the food myself, so I headed down the the restaurant. When I got there, she told me that she would take off the delivery charge of $2.99 from the $27.28 bill. I paid by card and the amount that came up on the device was $24.38. Uh.. Mathematically speaking: That ain't right. I tried to explain the the girl that if you subtract three from 27.28 you get 24.28. But she was persisted saying that, "I put it in the calculator." I wanted to introduce her to the concept of GIGO . I was ready to argue over my 48 cents (there is also tax applied to the delivery charge) but I figured that it was not worth the time, effort, and

Est Quod Est.

It is what it is.

Happy 2017.

So some people were not happy with how 2016 went down. I thought it was a great year, if only because the new addition to our lives. One's perspective can change quite a bit when caring for a newborn and watching them grow before your eyes. We'll enjoy the time we have with her as long as possible, and slowly grow our little family over the next little while. I wouldn't mind having a large family, but I think MJNL would have a few words to the contrary.