
Showing posts from December, 2016

There goes the clutch.

I should have known that something was amiss when the clutch got a little spongy. Anyway, long story short, there is some sort of leak with the clutch system and the clutch went. Unfortunately so much air also got into the system that after topping up the reservoir, I still couldn't use it. I don't have the tools to bleed the line so I am stuck here waiting for a tow. Yay.

Doing the right thing?

I think this is paying it back, but during our health and safety rounds today, we were fishing through some areas of the office that we normally don't pry into. We found a bag full of goodies! It included a Bluetooth mouse, and a Nexus 7! Now, this closet that we were looking into had not been touched for months, and these items were on a high shelf, in a bag, with bunch of other garbage and it was unlikely that the original owner even knew it was there. I called dibs on the Nexus and took it back to my desk after our rounds. I figured that if it worked, I could reset the device and use it. I plugged the device in, and was able to power it on. Amazingly, the device was not locked. Who the heck does NOT lock their tablet or phone? Who?!? First guess: Millennial. Anyway, I was able to fish around and find their e-mail account. Through that, an e-mail address and name. I checked the company e-mail listing. Nada. I asked around the office to see if anyone recognized the name. I

Free ride.

I took the bus to get to work yesterday. As I was about to insert my token into the till, I was met with a plastic back covering the entire contraption. The bus driver just waved me in. Now, it looks as if I got a free ride, but I needed to transfer buses to get to my destination, which would have required me getting a transfer (no) or paying on the next bus. However, the bus I was on was headed to a station, and the station had another bus that went relatively close to my workplace. I decided to spend the extra several minutes on the bus (reading a book) to save myself the three dollars and hassle of waiting at a bus stop rather than at a station. Score!

LEDing toilets.

Bah, I just found out that someone beat me to the punch at developing LED lights for toilets . Found out about this on a D.O.N.G. video . *scratches item off of list of things to invent*